With George Lucas announcing his retirement and venting his bitterness at being made a pariah because of the so called travesty of the the Star Wars prequels, I began to reflect on how much I despise the backlash to those films. The vitriol directed towards them is completely unwarranted and nothing more than the collective dummy spitting of the fanboy masses who expected the second coming of their holy triptych and instead got 3 solid, effects driven blockbusters that still have more imagination and energy than anything released during any summer before or since.
There are moments to cherish in these films, moments that perfectly re-capture the spirit of the original trilogy, some of my personal faves are listed below. Watch them again and remember why you loved Lucas and his grand opera in the first place.
10. The pod race
Aside from the whole 'prequel to the greatest story ever told' thing, the pod race was Fox's chief marketing tool for The Phantom Menace. Employing groundbreaking effects for the time, the sequence that sees diddy Vader screaming through the Tatooine desert on a rocket powered sled is still a series highlight.
HIGHLIGHT: The flawless sound design that throws up a cacophony of whirring and whooshing, pumping the adrenaline and bolstering the visuals perfectly.
9. Jedis in the arena
Attack Of The Clones may not be as strong as the original trilogies mid-section but it's certainly the most fun prequel, evoking the silliness and sense of adventure present in the old silver screen serials on which the saga is based.
This is never more evident than in this sequence, in which Obi, Anakin and Padme are beset by monsters and Dooku's clone army in a gladiatorial arena. All looks grim for our heroes until every Jedi in the galaxy shows up to turn the tide.
HIGHLIGHT: Mace Windu's entrance, making it clear that his Jedi master is the best cast character in all of the prequels.
8. Obi-Wan Vs. Jango Fett
Ever since they saw a flash of familiar Mandolorian armour in the teaser trailer, fans were clamouring for some Fett action in Attack Of The Clones and Lucas didn't disappoint, making Fett Snr not only as badass as his son is destined to become, but also the template for the empire's mighty clone army.
His rain soaked fight with Obi-Wan on Kamino is a blast, as the bounty hunter matches force and saber with flame thrower, rockets and jet pack.
HIGHLIGHT: Handy bladed gauntlets give Fett the upper hand and he escapes in his iconic ship, Slave I.
7. Space battle above Coruscant.
There aren't that many stand out space battles in the prequel trilogy, The defense of Naboo and Obi wan's pursuit of Slave I are decent enough, but the colossal skirmish above the Republic capital planet is one of the best in the whole franchise.
HIGHLIGHT: The opening shot, in which the camera cascades into the beautifully rendered carnage, on a decent home theater set-up, it's breathtaking.
6. Star crossed lovers
Revenge of The Sith has many dark and brooding moments, but none as haunting as this prelude to Anakin's fall. Seperated by the imposing Coruscant skyline, the soon to be Sith and his beloved wife contemplate the future and yearn for each other.
HIGHLIGHT: John Williams eerie score, which makes the sense of foreboding almost tangible.
5. Darth Plagueis
The other standout moment of dramatic restraint in ROTS is this wonderful sequence in which Palpatine completes his dark side courtship of Anakin. Telling the tale of a Sith lord who had the power to keep his loved ones from dying, the future emperor tightens his grip on the young Jedi's soul.
HIGHLIGHT: The bizarre opera/performance piece unfolding in the background, you have no idea what the hell is going on but somehow it seems as sinister as the chancellor's motives.
4. Coruscant Chase
Attack Of The Clones gets off to a lacklustre start with the bombing of Padme's ship and an opening act filled with the stuffy politics that blight the prequels. Then Obi-Wan throws himself out of a high rise window and kick starts a dizzying high speed chase through the Coruscant skyways.
HIGHLIGHT: Ever the show off, Anakin exits his speeder mid flight, free falling through the traffic in an attempt to catch a fleeing assassin.
3. Order 66
Out of all the moments of despair and heartbreak in the Star Wars saga (and there's a lot), this is the most potent. As Emperor Palpatine's plan comes to fruition and his grip on Anakin tightens, he issues a hidden fail-safe order to the clone armies, an order that brands the Jedi traitors of the republic. Jedi throughout the galaxy are executed by their own allies and an age of darkness begins.
HIGHLIGHT: There is no highlight, this is the most depressing moment in all 6 films.
2. Duel Of The Fates
The Lightsaber is the coolest weapon in the history of cinema and if there's one thing the prequels excel at, it's a good 'saber duel. Yoda taking on Dooku is a stratospheric highlight but still smacks of novelty, the battle between Darth Maul, Qui-Gonn and Kenobi is pound for pound the best duel in the series.
The acrobatic prowess of Ray Park as Maul, the fluid choreography of Nick Gillard and Williams epic theme (which went on to be the aural signature of the prequels) all combine to create a truly awe inspiring dust up.
HIGHLIGHT: That opening shot of Maul sparking his double-bladed saber.
1. Battle Of The Heroes
It all leads to this moment. When two Jedi brothers, each representing the light and dark sides of the force, meet for a climactic showdown. The prequel trilogy was always about Anakin Skywalker's downfall, despite the ponderous focus on politics and the travesty that is Jar-Jar Binks, Lucas wanted us to see how the galaxy's uber villain fell from grace.
The clash between Vader and Kenobi on Mustafar is thrilling and bleak in equal measure, the inevitability of the outcome doesn't sully the excitement of watching these two clash 'sabers.
HIGHLIGHT: The verbal sparring before the fight is deliciously melodramatic;
Vader: Your'e either with me, or against me...
Obi Wan:...Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
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